Wednesday, February 5, 2014

While sitting in my big comfy chair sipping coffee and listening to my three and one-year-old sons banging around in their room, I can't help but wonder...what the hell are they breaking in there? This has become a daily routine since starting school. If I just let them go in that room and pull every toy (literally EVERY toy) out of the toy boxes and off of the shelves that I so neatly organized the evening before, then they leave me alone long enough that I can make a dent in my school work for the day. By the time I've finished one assignment it's time to feed them lunch and put the baby down for his nap and then my big boy and I typically sit down to watch a movie or read a few books while we are alone. When the little one wakes up it's time for more destruction of my once lovely home while I attempt to get started on another assignment. After an hour or so it comes time to start dinner, finish dinner, feed my kids their dinner, and clean up the disaster that is my kitchen. Then we put on PJs, brush teeth, read stories & the boys go to bed...FINALLY! Now, at last I can finish my schooling for the day before drinking an oversized glass of red wine & relaxing for a few minutes before bed so that I can do it all again the next day! My point is that, although I'm new at the whole stay-at-home mom thing, it is proving to be harder and, of course, more rewarding than the 50 hours a week I was spending at work just one month ago. As strange as it may sound being laid off was an absolute blessing and the 11 days that I had to start FAFSA and plow through the entire enrollment process are proving to have been well worth the stress. There is nothing in the world that makes me happier than being with my kids all day and, oddly enough, the sound of their laughter in the next room is soothing and helps me to do well in school. I truly feel like this was all meant to be and that I'm finally working towards the things that I've always wanted - spending the most crucial years with my family and home and eventually opening an international business that helps communities that need my help. I am one happy lady!

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