Friday, February 28, 2014

Junk in the Trunk...drawer actually, but trunk sounds more amusing

   Am I the only person in the world that keeps a large collection of the strangest assortment of items that will likely never be used? I mean, everyone has a junk drawer, but mine is a bit over the top. It's barely closeable. About once every six months my boyfriend gets frustrated and goes through it, pulling out all of the items he deems unnecessary to be kept. And with each item, I have a miniature heart attack thinking, "What if someday we find ourselves in a bad situation that can only be made better by that piece-of-shit cheap orange crayon? What if one of the boys breaks the orange Crayola and they NEED that one?!" Although I realize I'm a small-scale hoarder, there is logic behind it and it makes perfect me at least. For each individual item there are a several different possible occurrences that would require the use of the object. In my mind, if it's possible it's going to happen, but not until the day we throw that item out. I think this way because it's happened SO MANY TIMES! I swear I'm not crazy. Looking through the junk drawer, I see the aforementioned orange crayon, four Color Wonder markers (which only work on Color Wonder paper...which we don't have), the receipt from the purchase of the couch that we no longer  have, two empty CD cases (likely from the early 2000s, the CD's to which I no longer have), three empty pill bottles (hey! You can keep a lot of stuff in those things!), two nearly empty containers of hand sanitizer and about a million other random items that I've collected and thrown in there on a whim over the last six months. I'm beginning to run out of room in there. I guess it's time to let some things go!

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