Friday, February 21, 2014

My Favorite Characters

   Everyone has a list of favorite characters from the movies and TV shows they have watched. I'm going to attempt to list all of my favorites. First, I really love Dean Winchester from Supernatural. Ladies, if you have not watched this show, you should probably do so whenever you get the opportunity. Great show. Dean is witty, perverted, totally badass and, since he's played by Jensen Ackles he is, quite possibly, the sexiest man that ever lived. He and his brother, Sam travel the world and kill demons, witches, vampires, werewolves, you name it. Really entertaining stuff. Next up, Rick from the Walking Dead. First off let me just say that this is my favorite show of all time. My fiance and I have watched every episode since the very beginning. We are completely obsessed. Our Sundays revolve around the Walking Dead and I just think that Rick is the bravest leader and the best daddy anyone could hope for during the zombie apocalypse. Another of my beloved characters is Frank Abignail, Jr. from Catch Me If You Can. Played by Leonardo DiCaprio you really just can't go wrong. He's a super clever teenage con-artist who literally fools the entire world. From a pilot to a doctor to a lawyer he tries out all of the big money-making professions and forges thousands of payroll checks to himself. The FBI takes 10 years to finally catch up with him. I love this movie. Let's see. Who else do I love? Oh! Iggy Threadgood from Fried Green Tomatoes. Now there's an exemplary woman for ya. She's vulgar, rugged, sarcastic, tough as nails and has a heart of gold. She pretty much raised herself on the riverbanks after her brother died early in her childhood and the result was a larger than life, super fun and charming little country girl. As far from femininity and easy to fly off the handle as she is, I think she is a strong, amazing woman and I would love to be just like Iggy! There are literally hundreds of others I consider favorite characters, but I just don't have the time or patience to write them all down in detail for you. Who are your favorites?

1 comment:

  1. I think you have proven that I do not watch much television and I do not get out much. I can do this with stereotypical English teacher. Right! Fun post. ~Ms. A.
