Monday, February 24, 2014

Missing : Mind

A woman in Springfield, Missouri has allegedly lost her mind. Asia Eli, 26, says it may have been stolen right from her head at some point during the past week, but it could have been missing for as long as 2 years. Ms.Eli claims she has not checked on the status of her mind much in the last three years and is unsure how long it has truly been gone. This mind is thought to be deep, open and larger than life. It was, at one time, very sharp, but have dulled quite a bit in previous years. Asia is offering a reward for finding her mind in the form of a hug, as she does not have much else to give. Anyone with any information regarding this mind is encouraged to call the Springfield Police Department.

1 comment:

  1. If I find it, I will let you know!

    This post, short and sweet, still brought a bit of laughter to my night! I think at some point in our adult lives we have all wondered where out minds have wondered off too and at what point we will get them back! Unfortunately, everyone older than me keeps telling me it only gets worse. Maybe, science will develop a way to reprogram to outdated mind and offer a new version available for download!?
