Saturday, February 8, 2014

   I always wait until the end of the day to write on my blog. I do this strictly because I find it easier to come up with topics when I've just ended a day and the events of that day are fresh on my mind. Today, my parents took my sister, my kids and I to visit with my dying grandfather. While this is clearly something far too personal to include in a public blog, it was the only thing out of the ordinary that I did today and so I'm finding it a little harder to find something to write about. I can't help but wonder, is it writer's block? Or is it laziness? While I do have more easily accessible topics at the end of the day, I don't always have the energy after a day full of cooking, cleaning and entertaining two crazy boys. After a sleepless night I just don't have as much creativity this evening as I had hoped I would. What is the difference between writer's block and laziness? Is there a difference? Do we use "writer's block" as an excuse when we just simply don't feel like expending the energy to think of something clever? Everyone is busy. Surely that contributes to it and I think we've heard about writer's block for so long that, while it does exist, it has become more of an excuse than anything. Regardless, I'm using it as an excuse tonight to just freewrite about my thoughts, which are pretty sparse.

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