Thursday, February 6, 2014

Today proved how inconvenient it is to share one car between two adults with two children. Any time we both have things to do over the course of a day we wind up racking our brains trying to figure out how everyone will wind up at home at the end of the day. In the end, I feel like the poor kids always have their schedules messed up in some way. Tonight, they went to bed an hour and a half late with no baths simply because I had a meeting to attend in the afternoon. I wonder, though, just how much it truly affects them to go to bed late once in awhile or miss a nap once in a blue moon. Parenting is terrifying sometimes. You never really know what you're doing. The second I get used to things being one way they switch to being something totally different and my mind is blown for awhile. My entire life for the last 3 years has been spent adjusting and learning how to do something just as it changes and I no longer need that skill. It is so frustrating, but they keep me on my toes! I think one of the hardest parts of parenting is all of the STUFF you have to pack every time you walk out the door and all of the things that must be considering before doing ANYTHING. Again, our biggest issue there is sharing a car. It just does not work for 2 people who have hectic lives and kids that need to be delivered here and there with a thousand pounds of snacks and toys and changes of clothes, etc. Anyway, sharing a car is just terrible. The end.

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